CESAV | Comunidad Española Simulación Automovilistica Virtual | LIGA LFS S3 y Assetto Corsa
Live For Speed => Discusión General => Mensaje iniciado por: ETCC en 13:03:50, 15 de Septiembre del 2012
Hello i dont know if you have heard of us on the LFS forum but we are a new and upcoming event on LFS we would like it if you could join us we have a website were there is all of our information it is http://www.lfs-etcc.com (http://www.lfs-etcc.com)
We are inviting you to join the event you will need to register a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 drivers to the event you will need to email us with the drivers names and the cars they are driving, we would love it if you could make it to the event just make sure that you sign up to the event ASAP and i know that the website or forum doesn't say that there iis any other teams but we do have two teams that are signed up for the event.
Thank you ETCC :D
Thank you for informing us. I'll post a brief summary to see if there are any driver interested ;)
Por si hay algún interesado, os resumo la información más importante:
- Las carreras son los miércoles a las 8 de la tarde
- Se corre una vez cada semana, empezando el 3 de octubre (Calendario (http://www.lfs-etcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5))
- Los equipos son de entre 2 y 5 pilotos, y hay que decir qué coche usareis para toda la temporada (GTR)
- Hay que acabar la carrera para puntuar
- Hay premios para los 3 primeros clasificados